Welcome to our mental health blog!
Never stop learning with our blog bites. Here, we'll share strategies and insights into counselling, psychotherapy, psychology and common concerns. From relaxation strategies and self-improvement tools to managing anxiety, depression or other mental health concerns, as well as introductions to different therapeutic approaches, we’ve got it all covered!
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Financial Intimacy
Talking about finances and money is a common struggle amongst couples, married or not, which can become a major source of conflict, insecurity and mistrust. Learn how you can manage financial intimacy in your relationship today.
Redefining your life script for your marriage life by Jumh Tantri
Do you know there is a script to your marriage life? Find out which script is dominating your life and relationship with Counsellor Jumh Tantri
Relationships: How to Sacrifice in a Healthy Way? By Natasha Larkin
Sacrificing in relationships tend to swing on 2 extremes with some thinking sacrifice is normal and on the other end where some thinking sacrifice is a negative thing. Counsellor Natasha Larkin guide you through how to think about sacrifice in a healthy manner.
Empowering Relationships and Sexual Well-being:
Do you know what a clinical sexologist or sex therapist do? Are you curious how sex therapy can help improve your interaction as a couple? Find out how Sex Therapist, Dr Martha Tara Lee, is able to help empower both of you in your couple relationship and sexual well-being.
Stages of Love
Do you know that love goes through different stages? Learn how love develops over 5 stages, the danger point where a couple could potentially separate/divorce and how a Psychologist, Counsellor, or Psychotherapist can help you navigate through the various developmental stage of a relationship.
6 Common Problems We Face
As we ring in the new year, we have the tendency to come up with resolution which we never keep. Instead, why don’t we look at what are the 6 common problems people face and find out how counselling can help us to get through them.
Love is Not a Feeling!
Is our relationship doom if the “love feeling” is gone? Find out what is love and whether it’s possible to rekindle the passion with the support of a Psychologist, Counsellor, or Psychotherapist of The Counselling Place.
Love Languages
Are you often frustrated in your attempts to get your love messages across to your partner? Or conversely, are you having difficulties relating to your partner’s expression of love? If so, it may be that both of you are speaking different love languages. Learn how to speak the right love languages with a Psychologist, Counsellor, or Psychotherapist of The Counselling Place.
More than just Parents
The arrival of a child or children marked a new stage in a couple’s journey. Embarking in Parenthood is definitely a huge transition – priorities shift, roles are redefined, and the balance between freedom and responsibility undergoes a massive overhaul. Why are some couples able to find their way back to each other while others can’t?
To Have or Not to Have Children? Dealbreaker for Couples?
For many couple, having children is the next logical/natural step after getting married. It represents the start of the “family”. However what do we do if our partner does not want children when we do (or vice versa)?
The 7 Types of Love
Many of us are focused on pursuing love, but are we aware of the different types of low and how to identify actual love?
Let’s Talk About Sex
Are you having a satisfactory sex life in your relationship? How important is sex for your relationship? When do we need to seek help from a relationship or sex therapist?
Husband Cheating with Helper
Patricia* come home early one day and was shocked to find that her husband, Larry*, cheating on her with their helper. She feels betrayed, angry, and confused. She fired the helper and the couple began couple / marriage therapy with a counsellor. Find out how this couple overcome this challenge in their marriage with counselling and what you can expect when you are working with a counsellor, psychologist, or psychotherapist.
*Not their real name
Improving Communication in Your Relationship
Communication allows us to connect with others by expressing our thoughts, opinions and needs, across our personal relationships and professional relationships. While all relationships experience ups and downs, maintaining healthy and effective communication may be challenging, particularly for long-distance or cross-cultural relationships. Find out how counselling and psychotherapy can help improve your relationship communication.
Relationship Red Flags - When to Seek Help?
A red flag is a warning sign of unhealthy or toxic behaviors within a relationship. They can occur in any relationship – between friends, colleagues, family members or romantic partners. It is extremely important to know how to spot and identify red flags. While some are rather obvious, others may be a lot harder to spot. A lot of times we also simply accept red flags and normalize them, thinking things like “that’s just how this person is”.
What are the Benefits of Marriage Counselling in Singapore and How does it Work?
Relationships can be hard, especially for married couples with their added responsibilities. But when times get tough, can marriage counselling really help?
Navigating Cross-Cultural Relationships
Couple relationships are challenging already in itself. Adding cross-cultural issues to the mix takes it to another level. What are some of concerns these cross-cultural couple face? Are there way out from these? Can counselling help?