Cogmed Working Memory Training®
Cogmed Working Memory Training® is a computer-based intervention that is aimed at improving working memory. Working memory is the cognitive function responsible for keeping information in your mind, manipulating it, and using it in your thinking.
This training is suitable for children and adults struggling with ADHD or ADHD-like symptoms, learning difficulties, cognitive deficiency, memory deterioration, stroke and brain injuries. If you or your child has the following symptoms, they will definitely benefit from Cogmed training:
Doesn’t seem to listen to instructions
Is easily distracted
After two instructions already forgets the first one
Has difficulty starting with a task
Often asks “What do I have to do?”
Stops with a task that is halfway done
Usually the last one to finish a task
Currently, the Cogmed coach available to do this program is Ms Ho Shee Wai.
The standard Cogmed training consists of 25 training sessions done online, each 50 minutes long, for five weeks with five sessions every week. Variations to that protocol are also available with different versions for toddlers, school-aged children and adults. Each session consists of a selection of various tasks that target the different aspects of working memory. The training is done online at home, in school, or at work.
Cogmed uses a coach-driven model. The online reporting system allows you to track your or your child’s performance on Cogmed anytime you want. You can look at the Cogmed Progress Indicator (CPI) to see your or your child’s success in the areas of working memory, following instructions, and mathematics. Plus, your personal Cogmed coach will check in weekly to make sure you are on track. -
Description teThe cost of the Cogmed program is $2550, which includes:
First Session ~ assessment, information giving, demonstration, Q&A, access to the training program; AND
5 Subsequent Coaching Sessions
Additional coaching sessions, if necessary, is charged at regular session rate.
If at the first session, the coach assessed that the you/your child is not suitable or you decide not to take up the training, the session is charged at the regular session rate.
Please note that we reserve the right to stop provision of the Cogmed program if client did not attend the required scheduled subsequent coaching sessions.xt goes here -
For more information on Cogmed, please see research summary.