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Counselling, Depression The Counselling Place Counselling, Depression The Counselling Place

Post-Natal Depression

While mums understand that their life will change with a baby, the hardest to cope will be that of post-natal depression. Find out what PND is, how to support your loved ones who are undergoing post-natal depression, and how your psychologist, counsellors, or psychotherapist can help.

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Help? My Child has Depression!

As parents, we devoted our whole life to ensure our child(ren) are safe and well. Therefore, it comes as a shock for the parents to discover that our kids or teens are depressed! Many questions will run through our mind: Was it something I’ve done? Why are my kids depressed when they have everything? This is a phase they are going through, right? Maybe they are attention seeking? How can I know when it’s serious? How can I keep them safe? What can I do? Should I send my child to a counsellor, psychologist, or therapist? How can the counsellor, psychologist, or therapist help them/ me/ us?

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