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Never stop learning with our blog bites. Here, we'll share strategies and insights into counselling, psychotherapy, psychology and common concerns. From relaxation strategies and self-improvement tools to managing anxiety, depression or other mental health concerns, as well as introductions to different therapeutic approaches, we’ve got it all covered!

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Teens, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Parenting, Anxiety, CBT The Counselling Place Teens, Child and/or Adolescent Issues, Parenting, Anxiety, CBT The Counselling Place

Anxiety in Teens by Natasha Larkin

Is your teenager finding it hard to focus at school or enjoy friendships? Do they want to miss school? Do they want to not be part of social settings? Maybe they have lost motivation in aspects of their life such as sports and hobbies? Or maybe the thought of performing in a school play or music concert or a sporting event or passing an exam is just too much for them to process? Counsellor Natasha Larkin discusses anxiety in teens and what to do to support them.

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Talking to Your Children about Death

Death is a difficult topic even for us as an adult. This is even more challenging for children. As parents, we want to be able to help them cope with a death. Be it that of a loved ones (grandparents, parents, siblings) or that of their pets. However, often we are at a loss as to how to talk our children about death. There is no right or wrong, a lot of it is dependent on the specific context of your family, your values, and the unique personality of your child.

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Supporting Your ADHD Child

Does your child have ADHD? Are you struggling to know how best to manage and support your child? Understand and learn how to interact and work with your ADHD child.

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Talking to Children About Sex

Talking to your children about sex is something that many parents find challenging. Find out how to have this conversation, what are the important age-appropriate information you need to impart, and how a counsellor, psychologist, and psychotherapist can help you in this process.

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Understanding Our Children’s Misbehaviours

Learn about the purpose of our children’s misbehaviours and effective methods to deal with them. Learn also when it’s time for a professional psychologist, counsellor, and psychotherapist to step in and what the psychologist, counsellor, or psychotherapist can do to help.

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Understanding Psychological Assessment

Learn what is psychological assessment and why we test our children. Find out what is the typical process during a psychological assessment and what would a psychologist be able to tell about your child after doing a psychological assessment.

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Preschool Ready?

Many parents would like to get a head start for their kids by enrolling in pre-school. However, apart from their ambiguity about having their kids leave their side, they also have some questions and concerns. Read about some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and find out how a Psychologist, Counsellor, or Psychotherapist can help you and your kid prepare to start in preschool.

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Relationship, Parenting, New Parents, Marital Counselling, Marriage The Counselling Place Relationship, Parenting, New Parents, Marital Counselling, Marriage The Counselling Place

More than just Parents

The arrival of a child or children marked a new stage in a couple’s journey. Embarking in Parenthood is definitely a huge transition – priorities shift, roles are redefined, and the balance between freedom and responsibility undergoes a massive overhaul. Why are some couples able to find their way back to each other while others can’t?

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Parenting, Co-Parenting, Divorce The Counselling Place Parenting, Co-Parenting, Divorce The Counselling Place

Effective Co-Parenting After Divorce

For those who have divorced, parenting will have its challenges. However, it may be even more difficult to co-parenting your child with other adults involved in the child’s life. Effective co-parenting is required to help your child develop to be holistically-healthy, balanced, socially productive, and reasonably content.

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Closing Generation Gaps & How Family Therapy Can Help

Are you the sandwich generation that is stuck in between your parents and your children? Find out how to close the generation gaps with the help of a psychologist, counsellor, or psychotherapist in order to enjoy the family life that you’ve always imagined.

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Staying Grounded - Time for Professionals to Step in with Your Child?

As we become successful in life, one struggle we have as parents is how to help our children to be grounded when they have so much. As parents, we want to give the best to our kids. It is not wrong. But, while we don’t want them to suffer, we also don’t want them to be spoiled brats or grow up feeling entitled. When should we intervene ourselves? When is it time for a Psychologist or Counsellor to step in?

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Parenting The Counselling Place Parenting The Counselling Place

Balancing Parenthood and Your Career

60% of families in Singapore are dual income families, meaning both partners work full-time. But how does that leave time for household chores and family time? Here are some useful tips on how to successfully balance parenthood and your career without losing track of your sense of self…

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