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Teaching Children The 5 Languages of Apology

Help your child or teen to get out of their egocentric stage by learning how the 5 languages of apology. Learn how a psychologist, counsellor, or parenting coach can support your child/teen develop vital skills for conflict resolution and repair.

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Communication The Counselling Place Communication The Counselling Place

What is effective communication in a relationship? By Stacey Lee Henderson

Have you ever felt that you could not express what you really wanted to say? Have you ever felt that you were not being heard? Or perhaps you were listening, but in being distracted, you lost all meaning and content of the conversation? If this has happened to you, you may want to try an activity called “Active Listening”. Clinical Psychologist & Organizational Psychologist, Stacey Lee Henderson takes you through this activity.

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Love Languages

Are you often frustrated in your attempts to get your love messages across to your partner? Or conversely, are you having difficulties relating to your partner’s expression of love? If so, it may be that both of you are speaking different love languages. Learn how to speak the right love languages with a Psychologist, Counsellor, or Psychotherapist of The Counselling Place.

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