Cheer for Yourself: How Celebrating Success Helps By Lim Swee Chen

Meet Counsellor & Parenting Coach, Lim Swee Chen, of The Counselling Place Singapore. Providing counselling and coaching services in English, Mandarin, Malay, Teochew, & Hokkien

By Lim Swee Chen

Counsellor / Parenting Coach

Learn how to celebrate success and achievement for better self esteem and mental health with Counsellor & Parenting Coach Lim Swee Chen of The Counselling Place Singapore

Cheer for Yourself: How Celebrating Success Helps

By Lim Swee Chen

Do you struggle to acknowledge your success or achievement? Learn the importance of celebrating your success and how to cheer for yourself with Counsellor & Parenting Coach, Lim Swee Chen of The Counselling Place Singapore.

As August unfolds, it often brings with it a sense of reflection. We find ourselves past the midpoint of the year, making it a natural time to evaluate how we’ve progressed with our New Year’s resolutions (if you’ve set any). If you’re feeling like the year is slipping away or your goals are still out of reach, you’re not alone. However, this time of year also coincides with the excitement of the Olympic Games—a perfect opportunity to draw inspiration and shift our focus inward.

The current Summer Olympics features 33 sports, each with its own captivating displays of athletic prowess, national pride, and personal triumphs. Even if you’re not a die-hard sports fan, there’s something universal about the thrill of watching athletes push their limits and achieve greatness. We cheer for athletes we’ve never met, celebrate their victories, and feel a collective sense of excitement. This communal spirit of cheering for others’ achievements can provide valuable insights into how we might better support and celebrate ourselves.

The Challenge of Self-Celebration

It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of life and overlook the importance of celebrating our own achievements. Many of us have internalised the idea that we should always be striving for more, pushing ourselves harder, and never fully acknowledging our successes. Here are some common reasons why celebrating ourselves can feel so challenging:

1. Perfectionism:

Learn what are challenges that stops you from celebrating your success or achievement with Counsellor & Parenting Coach Lim Swee Chen of The Counselling Place Singapore

Perfectionism can be a major barrier to self-celebration. When we set impossibly high standards for ourselves, anything short of those standards can feel like a failure. Even if we achieve something significant, we may dismiss it as insufficient because it doesn’t meet our ideal expectations.

2. Fear of Judgment:

We often worry about how others might perceive us if we celebrate our achievements. There’s a concern that acknowledging our successes could be seen as boastful or self-centred. This fear can prevent us from fully appreciating our own progress.

3. Feeling Undeserving:

Some individuals struggle with feeling undeserving of celebration. They may believe their achievements are not noteworthy or that they haven’t earned the right to celebrate. This sense of unworthiness can undermine their ability to recognise and enjoy their successes.

4. Focus on Improvement:

The drive for self-improvement can sometimes overshadow our recognition of what we’ve already accomplished. We may be so focused on the next goal or the next step that we fail to appreciate how far we’ve come.

The Science of Celebration

Discover the science of motivating yourself for success with Counsellor & Parenting Coach Lim Swee Chen of The Counselling Place Singapore

Our brains are wired to respond to rewards, and celebrating small accomplishments can profoundly impact our overall motivation and progress. According to Teresa Amabile, a Harvard Business School professor with over 45 years of research on work environments and motivation, tracking small daily achievements can significantly boost motivation. Her research shows that recording and recognising small wins enhances confidence and reinforces a positive cycle of achievement.

Celebrating your accomplishments, no matter how small, releases dopamine—a neurotransmitter crucial for mood regulation, motivation, and attention. Dopamine is associated with pleasure and reward, and acknowledging your achievements, even minor ones, boosts your mood and motivation to continue pursuing your goals. This positive feedback loop is vital for achieving larger objectives and sustaining motivation over time.

The Importance of Celebrating Yourself

Celebrating your own achievements isn’t just about indulging in self-praise; it’s about recognising your progress and reinforcing a positive self-image. Here are some benefits of celebrating your wins:

1. Boosts Confidence:

Acknowledging your achievements reinforces a sense of competence and self-worth, which helps tackle future challenges with a positive mindset.

2. Increases Motivation:

Celebrating milestones creates a sense of accomplishment that drives continued pursuit of your goals.

3. Promotes Resilience:

Recognising your successes builds a foundation of optimism, helping you bounce back from setbacks.

4. Enhances Well-Being:

Regularly celebrating achievements contributes to overall happiness and satisfaction, reinforcing the positive aspects of your journey.

Practical Tips for Celebrating Yourself

Incorporating self-celebration into your routine doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some practical tips to help you celebrate your achievements and foster a positive self-image:

Incorporate some practical tips for celebrating your success and achievement with Counsellor & Parenting Coach Lim Swee Chen of The Counselling Place Singapore

1. Reflect on Your Wins:

Regularly set aside moments to think about your achievements, no matter how small. Reflecting helps you acknowledge your progress and effort.

2. Create a Victory Journal:

Record your successes, the steps you took to achieve them, and how they made you feel. Reviewing your journal can provide a sense of accomplishment and motivation.

3. Set Personal Milestones:

Break your larger goals into smaller milestones and celebrate each one. Recognising these smaller victories helps maintain momentum.

4. Reward Yourself:

Treat yourself when you reach a goal or milestone. The reward doesn’t have to be extravagant; it can be something as simple as a special meal or a relaxing activity.

5. Share Your Success:

If comfortable, share your achievements with friends or family. Their support can enhance your sense of accomplishment.

6. Practice Self-Compassion:

Be kind to yourself. Understand that setbacks are a natural part of the journey, and every step forward is worth celebrating

What Can You Celebrate Today?

As you immerse yourself in the excitement of the Olympics, use the energy and enthusiasm you feel for the athletes as a catalyst for celebrating your own successes. Just as we cheer for athletes who have dedicated countless hours to their training, it’s important to recognise and cheer for your own efforts and achievements.

Take a moment to reflect on your recent accomplishments. What can you celebrate today? Whether it’s a small step toward a larger goal, a personal achievement, or simply getting out of bed, acknowledging your progress is a powerful way to reinforce your sense of accomplishment and boost your motivation.


Celebrating your successes is essential for building confidence and motivation, but recognising when you need additional support is equally important. If negative self-talk, unresolved issues, or emotional challenges hinder your ability to appreciate your achievements, seeking professional help can offer valuable guidance. Addressing these underlying issues can lead to significant personal growth and a more fulfilling journey toward your goals. If you're struggling to recognise and celebrate your accomplishments, our counselling services are here to help. Contact us to schedule an appointment and take the next step towards embracing your successes and reaching your full potential.


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